Articles | Volume 11, issue 1
Research article
09 Jan 2015
Research article |  | 09 Jan 2015

Thermohaline properties in the Eastern Mediterranean in the last three decades: is the basin returning to the pre-EMT situation?

V. Cardin, G. Civitarese, D. Hainbucher, M. Bensi, and A. Rubino


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Short summary
The results of this study reveal that the thermohaline properties in the study area in 2011 lie between the thermohaline characteristics of the EMT and those of the pre-EMT phase, indicating a possible slow return towards the latter. It highlights the relationship between the hydrological property distribution of the upper layer in the Levantine basin and the alternate circulation regimes in the Ionian, which modulates the salinity distribution in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea.