24 Oct 2017
 | 24 Oct 2017
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal OS but the revision was not accepted.

Rising bubbles as mechanism for scavenging and aerosolization of diatoms

Roman Marks, Ewa Górecka, Kevin Mc Cartney, and Wojciech Borkowski

Abstract. Bubbles rising in clean saline water cause steady displacement of ions at the bubble boundaries that separate anions and cations based on ion mass. Anions of greater mass are resistant to displacement and concentrate on the bubble upper half sphere, while smaller and less massive cations are displaced towards lower pressure of the bottom half sphere. The separation into anionic and cationic domains on the bubble curvatures creates electric polarity that may draw particulates dispersed in the water. Viable diatoms as well as bacteria develop negative charge on outer membranes, that are attracted to the cationic bubble bottom half sphere and pocket. When bubble bursts at the air/water interface the diatoms and bacteria are ejected into the air with initial or secondary jet droplets that are projected upward with a small water column derived from a cationic vortex. Experiments conducted in brackish and oceanic saline water on Nanofrustulum and Cyclotella cells indicated that the averaged concentration in jet droplets compared to the original water volume (here termed the enrichment factor) for aerosolized diatoms may range from 8 to 307.

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Roman Marks, Ewa Górecka, Kevin Mc Cartney, and Wojciech Borkowski
Status: closed
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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Roman Marks, Ewa Górecka, Kevin Mc Cartney, and Wojciech Borkowski
Roman Marks, Ewa Górecka, Kevin Mc Cartney, and Wojciech Borkowski


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Short summary
Experiments indicated that cation-mediated electrostriction plays a principal role in bubble vorticity and related attraction/scavenge of bacteria and diatoms by rising bubbles in saline water. The mechanism is important for global matter cycling and related process of matter accumulation near the ocean surface. Massive and long-term bubble-cationic-rotational processing of matter in the oceanic water and in droplets suspended in air may likely incepted the bio-matter evolution on the Earth.