Articles | Volume 20, issue 1
Research article
22 Jan 2024
Research article |  | 22 Jan 2024

Altered Weddell Sea warm- and dense-water pathways in response to 21st-century climate change

Cara Nissen, Ralph Timmermann, Mathias van Caspel, and Claudia Wekerle

Data sets

FESOM-REcoM model data: Lagrangian particle trajectories Cara Nissen

FESOM-REcoM model data (Eulerian output): HighRes_highLat_SO FESOM1.4-REcoM2 model simulations to project future change in the coupled physical-biogeochemical system simA historical variableAtmCO2 variableClimate Cara Nissen, Judith Hauck, Mario Hoppema, Ralph Timmermann, and Özgür Gürses

FESOM-REcoM model data (Eulerian output): HighRes_highLat_SO FESOM1.4-REcoM2 model simulations to project future change in the coupled physical-biogeochemical system simA SSP585 variableAtmCO2 variableClimate Cara Nissen, Judith Hauck, Mario Hoppema, Ralph Timmermann, and Özgür Gürses

Short summary
The southeastern Weddell Sea is important for global ocean circulation due to the cross-shelf-break exchange of Dense Shelf Water and Warm Deep Water, but their exact circulation pathways remain elusive. Using Lagrangian model experiments in an eddy-permitting ocean model, we show how present circulation pathways and transit times of these water masses on the continental shelf are altered by 21st-century climate change, which has implications for local ice-shelf basal melt rates and ecosystems.