Articles | Volume 20, issue 2
Research article
18 Mar 2024
Research article |  | 18 Mar 2024

Drivers of Laptev Sea interannual variability in salinity and temperature

Phoebe A. Hudson, Adrien C. H. Martin, Simon A. Josey, Alice Marzocchi, and Athanasios Angeloudis

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Revised manuscript accepted for SP
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A new airborne system for simultaneous high-resolution ocean vector current and wind mapping: first demonstration of the SeaSTAR mission concept in the macrotidal Iroise Sea
David L. McCann, Adrien C. H. Martin, Karlus A. C. de Macedo, Ruben Carrasco Alvarez, Jochen Horstmann, Louis Marié, José Márquez-Martínez, Marcos Portabella, Adriano Meta, Christine Gommenginger, Petronilo Martin-Iglesias, and Tania Casal
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Cited articles

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Short summary
Satellite salinity data are used for the first time to study variability in Arctic freshwater transport from the Lena River and are shown to be a valuable tool for studying this region. These data confirm east/westerly wind is the main control on fresh water and sea ice transport rather than the volume of river runoff. The strong role of the wind suggests understanding how wind patterns will change is key to predicting future Arctic circulation and sea ice concentration.