Articles | Volume 19, issue 3
Research article
28 Jun 2023
Research article |  | 28 Jun 2023

Intense anticyclones at the global Argentine Basin array of the Ocean Observatory Initiative

Camila Artana and Christine Provost

Data sets

Global Argentine Basin NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative

Panel of SSALTO/Duacs products distributed by AVISO+ and CMEMS DUACS

Global Ocean Gridded L 4 Sea Surface Heights And Derived Variables Reprocessed 1993 Ongoing CLS

Video supplement

Sea Surface Height and velocities in the Argentine Basin (2016/01/01-2016/09/31) Camila Artana

Short summary
In 2016 exceptional eddies visited a mooring array deployed in the Argentine Basin, a region where in situ data are scarce and ocean currents tend to be calm. The eddies had large rotating velocities and distinct physical characteristics and origins. One eddy with a radius of 100–150 km was bottom reaching. Two others were smaller with radii less than 40 km and depths of about 2500 m. The mooring data indicated the presence of waves trapped inside the eddies and favorable conditions for mixing.