Articles | Volume 19, issue 2
Research article
14 Apr 2023
Research article |  | 14 Apr 2023

A simple diagnostic based on sea surface height with an application to central Pacific ENSO

Jufen Lai, Richard J. Greatbatch, and Martin Claus

Data sets

Data for publication "A simple diagnostic based on sea surface height with application to Central Pacific ENSO" Claus, M., R.J. Greatbatch and J.Lai

Model code and software

martinclaus/nti_lai_eta_al_analysis: v0.4.0 Claus, M. and J. Lai

Short summary
The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has a global influence on weather and climate. Over most of the equatorial Pacific, where ENSO is focused, variations in sea surface height, such as measured by satellite, are strongly influenced by vertical displacements of the ocean thermocline. We show that linearly removing this influence leads to a time series of sea surface height that capture ENSO dynamics in the central Pacific, where ENSO variability has become more active in recent decades.