Articles | Volume 19, issue 5
Research article
18 Oct 2023
Research article |  | 18 Oct 2023

Stirring across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current's southern boundary at the prime meridian, Weddell Sea

Ria Oelerich, Karen J. Heywood, Gillian M. Damerell, Marcel du Plessis, Louise C. Biddle, and Sebastiaan Swart

Data sets

Seaglider (SG537) dataset collected during the ROAM-MIZ field campaign in the Southern Ocean K. J. Heywood, S. Swart, G. M. Damerell, L. C. Biddle, J. Edholm, I. Giddy, H. Rosenthal, R. Oelerich, and M. du Plessis

Seaglider (SG640) dataset collected during the ROAM-MIZ field campaign in the Southern Ocean (v1.0.0) S. Swart

Global Ocean Gridded L 4 Sea Surface Heights And Derived Variables Reprocessed 1993 Ongoing CMEMS

Short summary
At the southern boundary of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, relatively warm waters encounter the colder waters surrounding Antarctica. Observations from underwater vehicles and altimetry show that medium-sized cold-core eddies influence the southern boundary's barrier properties by strengthening the slopes of constant density lines across it and amplifying its associated jet. As a result, the ability of exchanging properties, such as heat, across the southern boundary is reduced.