Articles | Volume 18, issue 6
Research article
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21 Nov 2022
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 21 Nov 2022

Internal tides off the Amazon shelf during two contrasted seasons: interactions with background circulation and SSH imprints

Michel Tchilibou, Ariane Koch-Larrouy, Simon Barbot, Florent Lyard, Yves Morel, Julien Jouanno, and Rosemary Morrow


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Latest update: 25 Mar 2025
Internal tides are an important agent of ocean mixing which affects water mass character and circulation. This paper highlights the sensitivity of internal tide generation, propagation and dissipation (related to their mixing impact) to their context (stratification and circulation).
Short summary
This high-resolution model-based study investigates the variability in the generation, propagation, and sea height signature (SSH) of the internal tide off the Amazon shelf during two contrasted seasons. ITs propagate further north during the season characterized by weak currents and mesoscale eddies and a shallow and strong pycnocline. IT imprints on SSH dominate those of the geostrophic motion for horizontal scales below 200 km; moreover, the SSH is mainly incoherent below 70 km.