Articles | Volume 18, issue 5
Research article
25 Oct 2022
Research article |  | 25 Oct 2022

The role of oceanic heat flux in reducing thermodynamic ice growth in Nares Strait and promoting earlier collapse of the ice bridge

Sergei Kirillov, Igor Dmitrenko, David G. Babb, Jens K. Ehn, Nikolay Koldunov, Søren Rysgaard, David Jensen, and David G. Barber

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Short summary
The sea ice bridge usually forms during winter in Nares Strait and prevents ice drifting south. However, this bridge has recently become unstable, and in this study we investigate the role of oceanic heat flux in this decline. Using satellite data, we identify areas where sea ice is relatively thin and further attribute those areas to the heat fluxes from the warm subsurface water masses. We also discuss the potential role of such an impact on ice bridge instability and earlier ice break up.