Articles | Volume 18, issue 5
Research article
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20 Oct 2022
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 20 Oct 2022

Detecting the most effective cleanup locations using network theory to reduce marine plastic debris: a case study in the Galapagos Marine Reserve

Stefanie L. Ypma, Quinten Bohte, Alexander Forryan, Alberto C. Naveira Garabato, Andy Donnelly, and Erik van Sebille


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Latest update: 24 Mar 2025
Marine plastics is a socially relevant topic that usually attracts public interest. It is especially relevant in the Galapagos which wants exceptional protection in view of its unique wildlife. The paper provides a methodology for effective management.
Short summary
In this research we aim to improve cleanup efforts on the Galapagos Islands of marine plastic debris when resources are limited and the distribution of the plastic on shorelines is unknown. Using a network that describes the flow of macroplastic between the islands we have identified the most efficient cleanup locations, quantified the impact of targeting these locations and showed that shorelines where the plastic is unlikely to leave are likely efficient cleanup locations.