Articles | Volume 16, issue 2
Research article
02 Apr 2020
Research article |  | 02 Apr 2020

Variability of the thermohaline structure and transport of Atlantic water in the Arctic Ocean based on NABOS (Nansen and Amundsen Basins Observing System) hydrography data

Nataliya Zhurbas and Natalia Kuzmina


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Short summary
Based on hydrography data (2002–2015) it was found that the average geostrophic volume transport of Atlantic water (AW) decreases along the Eurasian Basin slope from 103º E to 142º E and has a small value in the Makarov Basin. Maximum values of the AW volume transport, temperature, and salinity were observed in 2006. A trend of increase in AW salinity over time (AW salinization in early 2000s) was discovered. These results can be useful to anyone interested in recent change in the Arctic Ocean.