Articles | Volume 15, issue 6
Research article
16 Dec 2019
Research article |  | 16 Dec 2019

Influence of the summer deep-sea circulations on passive drifts among the submarine canyons in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea

Morane Clavel-Henry, Jordi Solé, Miguel-Ángel Ahumada-Sempoal, Nixon Bahamon, Florence Briton, Guiomar Rotllant, and Joan B. Company

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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Geoscientific Model Development (GMD).
Short summary

Cited articles

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Short summary
Deep-sea connectivity research is scarce but needed for understanding marine population dynamics and dispersal of animal early-life stages. Here, we modeled near-bottom particle drifts along a continental margin crossed by submarine canyons. The bottom current impacting particle drifts is influenced by uneven topographic structures like submarine canyons. Thus, models with a good representation of the bottom geomorphological structures contribute to improving the deep-sea larval drift modeling.