Articles | Volume 14, issue 3
Research article
01 Jun 2018
Research article |  | 01 Jun 2018

Spatial variations in zooplankton community structure along the Japanese coastline in the Japan Sea: influence of the coastal current

Taketoshi Kodama, Taku Wagawa, Naoki Iguchi, Yoshitake Takada, Takashi Takahashi, Ken-Ichi Fukudome, Haruyuki Morimoto, and Tsuneo Goto


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Short summary
We examined zooplankton community structure along the Japanese coast of the Japan Sea. Zooplankton were collected during 15 cruises in May from 1999 to 2013 by a plankton net. Species were identified under a microscope and were counted. The zooplankton community changed with water temperature and the coastal current, and the submarine canyon structure in this sea makes a difference in the zooplankton community.