Articles | Volume 13, issue 5
Research article
25 Sep 2017
Research article |  | 25 Sep 2017

Interannual evolution of (sub)mesoscale dynamics in the Bay of Biscay

Guillaume Charria, Sébastien Theetten, Frédéric Vandermeirsch, Özge Yelekçi, and Nicole Audiffren

Data sets

CORA-IBI, Coriolis Ocean Dataset for Reanalysis for the Ireland-Biscay-Iberia region T. Szekely, M. Bezaud, S. Pouliquen, G. Reverdin, and G. Charria.

BACH1000_100lev-51 : a MARS3D model configuration for the Bay of Biscay S. Theetten, F. Vandermeirsch, and G. Charria

SEVIRI remotely sensed Sea Surface Temperature data OSISAF

ASPEX ADCP data A. Le Boyer, G. Charria, B. Le Cann, P. Lazure, and L. Marie

Short summary
In the north-east Atlantic Ocean, the Bay of Biscay is an intersection between a coastal constrained dynamics (wide continental shelf and shelf break regions) and an eastern boundary circulation system. Based on a 10-year simulation using the coastal ocean model at high resolution (1 km), the interannual variability of small-scale dynamics has been described, implying a potential significant impact on vertical and horizontal mixing in this region.