Articles | Volume 12, issue 1
Research article
15 Jan 2016
Research article |  | 15 Jan 2016

The Civitavecchia Coastal Environment Monitoring System (C-CEMS): a new tool to analyze the conflicts between coastal pressures and sensitivity areas

S. Bonamano, V. Piermattei, A. Madonia, F. Paladini de Mendoza, A. Pierattini, R. Martellucci, C. Stefanì, G. Zappalà, G. Caruso, and M. Marcelli

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Short summary
The Civitavecchia Coastal Environment Monitoring System (C-CEMS) has been developed by the Laboratory of Experimental Oceanology and Marine Ecology in order to analyze the conflicts between human pressures and ecosystem conservation. As examples, the analysis of faecal bacteria dispersion for bathing water quality assessment and the evaluation of the effects of the dredged activities on Posidonia meadows are reported. Finally, C-CEMS can be considered a useful tool for coastal zone management.