Articles | Volume 12, issue 1
Research article
01 Feb 2016
Research article |  | 01 Feb 2016

Interactions between the Somali Current eddies during the summer monsoon: insights from a numerical study

C. Q. C. Akuetevi, B. Barnier, J. Verron, J.-M. Molines, and A. Lecointre


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Short summary
The NW Indian Ocean is the siege of two very intense anticyclonic eddies, the Great Whirl and the Southern Gyre, the rapid development of which makes their observation difficult. Model simulations propose an interaction scenario between the two eddies not described in observations up to now. When the summer monsoon intensifies, the Southern Gyre moves northward, collides with the Great Whirl and takes it place. The Great Whirl is pushed to the east of Socotra Island and forms the Socotra Eddy.