Articles | Volume 12, issue 1
Research article
18 Jan 2016
Research article |  | 18 Jan 2016

The flow field of the upper hypoxic eastern tropical North Atlantic oxygen minimum zone

L. Stramma, R. Czeschel, T. Tanhua, P. Brandt, M. Visbeck, and B. S. Giese


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Short summary
The subsurface circulation in the eastern tropical North Atlantic OMZ is derived from velocity, float and tracer data and data assimilation results, and shows a cyclonic flow around the Guinea Dome reaching into the oxygen minimum zone. The stronger cyclonic flow around the Guinea Dome in 2009 seem to be connected to a strong Atlantic Meridional Mode (AMM) event. A continuous deoxygenation trend of the low oxygen layer was confirmed. Eddy influence is weak south of the Cape Verde Islands.