Articles | Volume 11, issue 6
Research article
21 Dec 2015
Research article |  | 21 Dec 2015

Simulation of the mantle and crustal helium isotope signature in the Mediterranean Sea using a high-resolution regional circulation model

M. Ayache, J.-C. Dutay, P. Jean-Baptiste, and E. Fourré

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Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 6627–6655,,, 2024
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Neodymium budget in the Mediterranean Sea: evaluating the role of atmospheric dusts using a high-resolution dynamical-biogeochemical model
Mohamed Ayache, Jean-Claude Dutay, Kazuyo Tachikawa, Thomas Arsouze, and Catherine Jeandel
Biogeosciences, 20, 205–227,,, 2023
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LPJmL-Med – Modelling the dynamics of the land-sea nutrient transfer over the Mediterranean region–version 1: Model description and evaluation
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Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss.,,, 2020
Preprint withdrawn
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High-resolution regional modelling of natural and anthropogenic radiocarbon in the Mediterranean Sea
Mohamed Ayache, Jean-Claude Dutay, Anne Mouchet, Nadine Tisnérat-Laborde, Paolo Montagna, Toste Tanhua, Giuseppe Siani, and Philippe Jean-Baptiste
Biogeosciences, 14, 1197–1213,,, 2017
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High-resolution neodymium characterization along the Mediterranean margins and modelling of εNd distribution in the Mediterranean basins
Mohamed Ayache, Jean-Claude Dutay, Thomas Arsouze, Sidonie Révillon, Jonathan Beuvier, and Catherine Jeandel
Biogeosciences, 13, 5259–5276,,, 2016
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Related subject area

Approach: Numerical Models | Depth range: All Depths | Geographical range: Mediterranean Sea | Phenomena: Chemical Tracers
Modelling of the anthropogenic tritium transient and its decay product helium-3 in the Mediterranean Sea using a high-resolution regional model
M. Ayache, J.-C. Dutay, P. Jean-Baptiste, K. Beranger, T. Arsouze, J. Beuvier, J. Palmieri, B. Le-vu, and W. Roether
Ocean Sci., 11, 323–342,,, 2015
Short summary

Cited articles

Allard, P.: Global emissions of helium-3 by subaerial volcanism, Geophys. Res. Lett., 19, 1479–1481, 1992a.
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Andrie, C. and Merlivat, L.: Tritium in the western Mediterranean Sea during 1981 Phycemed cruise, Deep-Sea Res. Pt. A, 35, 247–267, 1988.
Antonov, J. I., Locarnini, R. A., Boyer, T. P., Mishonov, A. V., and Garcia, H. E.: World Ocean Atlas 2005, Salinity, edited by: Levitus, S., NOAA Atlas NESDIS 62, US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 2, 182 pp., 2006.
Ayache, M., Dutay, J.-C., Jean-Baptiste, P., Beranger, K., Arsouze, T., Beuvier, J., Palmieri, J., Le-vu, B., and Roether, W.: Modelling of the anthropogenic tritium transient and its decay product helium-3 in the Mediterranean Sea using a high-resolution regional model, Ocean Sci., 11, 323–342,, 2015.
Short summary
Helium isotopes are a powerful tool in Earth sciences. We present the first simulation of the terrigenic helium isotope distribution in the whole Mediterranean Sea, using a high-resolution model (NEMO-MED12). In addition to providing constraints on helium isotope degassing fluxes in the Mediterranean, our simulations provide information on the ventilation of the deep Mediterranean waters, which are useful for assessing NEMO-MED12 performance.