Articles | Volume 11, issue 1
Research article
21 Jan 2015
Research article |  | 21 Jan 2015

Consequences of artificial deepwater ventilation in the Bornholm Basin for oxygen conditions, cod reproduction and benthic biomass – a model study

A. Stigebrandt, R. Rosenberg, L. Råman Vinnå, and M. Ödalen

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Revised manuscript not accepted
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Approach: Numerical Models | Depth range: Shelf-sea depth | Geographical range: Baltic Sea | Phenomena: Current Field
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Cited articles

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Short summary
The hydrographical and ecological changes in the deep part of the Bornholm Basin in response to pumping well-oxygenated so-called winter water down to the greatest depth are investigated. By pumping 1000 m3s-1, the rates of water exchange and oxygen supply increase by 2.5 and 3 times, respectively. Anoxic bottoms should no longer occur and hypoxic events will become rare. This should mean much improved conditions for successful cod reproduction, extensive colonization of fauna on earlier periodi