Articles | Volume 11, issue 5
Research article
02 Sep 2015
Research article |  | 02 Sep 2015

Mesoscale variability in the Arabian Sea from HYCOM model results and observations: impact on the Persian Gulf Water path

P. L'Hégaret, R. Duarte, X. Carton, C. Vic, D. Ciani, R. Baraille, and S. Corréard


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Short summary
The Arabian Sea and Sea of Oman have a complex oceanic circulation, strongly influenced by the monsoons. The aim of this article is to describe the mesoscale processes that dominate the region, large eddies with a strong vertical influence, with their seasonal and interannual variability, from their formations, evolutions and interactions. Thus, an emphasis is placed on the highly saline Persian Gulf outflow in the Sea of Oman, and its interaction with the mesoscale circulation.