21 Sep 2020
 | 21 Sep 2020
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

Estimating the Absolute Salinity of China Offshore Seawater Using Nutrients and Inorganic Carbon Data

Fengying Ji, Xuejun Xiong, and Rich Pawlowicz

Abstract. In June 2009, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO released the international thermodynamic equation of seawater – 2010 (TEOS-10 for short) (IOC et al, 2010) to define, describe and calculate the thermodynamic properties of seawater. Compared to Equation of Ocean State-80 (EOS-80 for short), the most obvious change of TEOS-10 is taking Absolute Salinity as salinity argument, replacing the Practical Salinity used in ocean society for 30 years. Due to lack of observation data, Absolute Salinity algorithm the applicability in the offshore and semi-closed sea is not very clear to date. Based on the Marine Integrated Investigation and Evaluation Project of China Offshore, other relevant data together with Pa08 model, we obtain the magnitude, distribution characteristics and formation mechanism of Absolute Salinity in China offshore. As the main composition anomaly relative to SSW, calcium carbonate, originating from terrestrial input of high calcium carbonate content and re-dissolution of sediment of China offshore, raises the Absolute Salinity Anomaly δSA as high as 0.20 g kg-1 and increases the Practical Salinity about 0.025 at most comparing to the chlorinity-based salinity. Moreover, both of them show obvious seasonal variation. Finally, relevant suggestions are proposed for the accurate measurement and expression of Absolute Salinity of the China offshore.

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Fengying Ji, Xuejun Xiong, and Rich Pawlowicz

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Interactive discussion

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Fengying Ji, Xuejun Xiong, and Rich Pawlowicz
Fengying Ji, Xuejun Xiong, and Rich Pawlowicz


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Short summary
The Absolute Salinity SA of China offshore sea water ranges from 12 to 34.66 g kg-1, in which the Absolute Salinity Anomaly δSA ranges from 0 to 0.20 g kg-1; Calcium carbonate is the main composition anomaly of China offshore sea water relative to SSW and the primary contributor to the δSA; The largest δSA locates in the regions with high calcium carbonate:the northern Jiangsu shoals, Bohai Sea, the Yangtze River mouth; The practical salinity rise 0.04 at most due to compositon change.