27 Jan 2020
 | 27 Jan 2020
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal OS but the revision was not accepted.

Seasonal variability of radiation tide in Gulf of Riga

Vilnis Frishfelds, Juris Sennikovs, Uldis Bethers, and Andrejs Timuhins

Abstract. Diurnal oscillations of water level in Gulf of Riga are considered. It was found that there is distinct daily pattern of diurnal oscillations in certain seasons. The role of sea breeze, gravitational tides and atmospheric pressure gradient are analysed. The interference of the first two effects provide the dominant role in diurnal oscillations. The effect of gravitational tides is described both with sole tidal forcing and also in real case with atmospheric forcing and stratification. The yearly variation of the declination of the Sun and stratification leads to seasonal intensification of gravitational tides in Gulf of Riga. Correlation between gravitational tide of the Sun with its radiation caused wind effects appears to be main driver of oscillations in Gulf of Riga. Daily variation of wind is primary source of S1 tidal component with a water level maximum at 18:00 UTC in Gulf of Riga. Effect of solar radiation influences also K1 and P1 tidal components which are examined, too.

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Vilnis Frishfelds, Juris Sennikovs, Uldis Bethers, and Andrejs Timuhins
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Vilnis Frishfelds, Juris Sennikovs, Uldis Bethers, and Andrejs Timuhins
Vilnis Frishfelds, Juris Sennikovs, Uldis Bethers, and Andrejs Timuhins


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Short summary
The paper discuses averaged daily water level variations in Gulf of Riga for each season. Does the daily pattern result from gravitational tides or sea/land breeze for given month? Results show that their interference is vital from March to October. Water level has typically a distinct maximum in late afternoon for April-May when the forcing by gravity of the Sun is nearly in phase with its radiation effect. The opposite occurs for the September when both effects cancel each other in average.