09 Oct 2019
 | 09 Oct 2019
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

Numerical Investigation of Typhoon Waves Generated by Three Typhoons in the China Sea

Qing Shi, Jun Tang, Yongming Shen, and Yuxiang Ma

Abstract. The typhoon waves generated in the China Sea during the Chan-hom (1509), Linfa (1510) and Nangka (1511) typhoons that occurred in 2015 were numerically investigated. The wave model was based on the a third generation spectral wind-wave model SWAN, in which the wind fields for driving waves were derived from the ERA-interim (ECMWF), CFSv2 (The NCEP Climate Forecast System Version 2) and CCMP (Cross-Calibrated Multi-Platform) datasets. The numerical results were validated using buoy data and satellite observation data. The simulation results under the three types of wind fields were in good agreement with the observed data. The CCMP wind data was the best in simulating waves overall, and the wind speeds pertaining to ERA and CCMP were notably smaller than those observed near the typhoon centre. The Holland wind model was used to revise and optimize the wind speed pertaining to the CCMP near the typhoon centre, and the wind speed correction coefficient, correction formula and corresponding parameters were determined. Based on these findings, the CCMP and CCMP/Holland blended wind fields were used to simulate the typhoon waves generated during the Meranti (1614), Rai (1615) and Malakas (1616) typhoons that occurred in September 2016. A comparison between the simulated wave heights and those obtained from the Jason-2 altimeter data indicated that all correlation coefficients between the simulated values and the satellite observations were greater than 0.75. The blended wind field was better overall in simulating the wave heights. The simulated maximum wave heights were more similar to the satellite observations, and the root mean square error of the blended wind field was 0.223 m lower than that of the CCMP. The results demonstrated that the CCMP wind-driven SWAN model could appropriately simulate the typhoon waves generated by three typhoons in China Sea, and the use of the CCMP/Holland blended wind field could effectively improve the accuracy of typhoon wave simulations.

This preprint has been withdrawn.

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Qing Shi, Jun Tang, Yongming Shen, and Yuxiang Ma

Interactive discussion

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Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Interactive discussion

Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Qing Shi, Jun Tang, Yongming Shen, and Yuxiang Ma
Qing Shi, Jun Tang, Yongming Shen, and Yuxiang Ma


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