15 Feb 2019
 | 15 Feb 2019
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal OS. A final paper is not foreseen.

Impact of wave physics on ocean–wave coupling in CMEMS-IBI Part B: Validation study

Romain Rainaud, Lotfi Aouf, Alice Dalphinet, Marcos Garcia Sotillo, Enrique Alvarez-Fanjul, Guillaume Reffray, Bruno Levier, Stéphane Law-Chune, Pablo Lorente, and Cristina Toledano

Abstract. This work aims to evaluate the ocean/waves coupling based on input from the wave modelMFWAM. 1-year coupled runs including seasonal variability has been performed for the IberianBiscay and Ireland domain. We investigated the consequences of improvement in wave physics onthe mixed layer of the ocean with a fine horizontal grid size of 1/36°. The ocean model NEMO andthe wave model MFWAM have been used for this study to prepare the use of coupling operationallyin the IBI Copernicus Marine Service and Monitoring Evironment (CMEMS). Two wave physicsversions have been discussed in this study. The validation of sea surface temperature, surfacecurrents have been implemented in comparison with satellite and in-situ observations. The resultsshow a positive impact of the waves forcing on surface key parameters. For storm cases it has beendemonstrated a good skill of the ocean/wave coupling to capture the peak of surge event such as theone observed for Petra storm.

This preprint has been withdrawn.

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Romain Rainaud, Lotfi Aouf, Alice Dalphinet, Marcos Garcia Sotillo, Enrique Alvarez-Fanjul, Guillaume Reffray, Bruno Levier, Stéphane Law-Chune, Pablo Lorente, and Cristina Toledano

Interactive discussion

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Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Interactive discussion

Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Romain Rainaud, Lotfi Aouf, Alice Dalphinet, Marcos Garcia Sotillo, Enrique Alvarez-Fanjul, Guillaume Reffray, Bruno Levier, Stéphane Law-Chune, Pablo Lorente, and Cristina Toledano
Romain Rainaud, Lotfi Aouf, Alice Dalphinet, Marcos Garcia Sotillo, Enrique Alvarez-Fanjul, Guillaume Reffray, Bruno Levier, Stéphane Law-Chune, Pablo Lorente, and Cristina Toledano


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Short summary
This work highlights the relevance of coupling wave model with ocean model in order to improve key surface ocean parameters and in general to better describe the ocean circulation at small and large scale. The results focus on the Iberian Biscay and Ireland ocean region with fine grid resolution of 2.5 km for the ocean model. The main conclusion is the improvement of wave physics induces a better ocean mixing at the upper layer and a positive impact for sea surface height in storm events.