30 Aug 2016
 | 30 Aug 2016
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

Characteristics of Global Oceanic Rossby Wave and Mesoscale Eddies Propagation from Multiple Datasets Analysis

Yunfan Zhang, Fenglin Tian, and Ge Chen

Abstract. In this paper we present a research of propagation characteristics of global Rossby wave and mesoscale eddies, and we preliminarily discussing the relationship between them from multiple datasets analysis. By filtering the MSLA-H data and by means of optimized SSH method we have extracted signals of the Rossby wave, and estimated the propagation speed (zonal phase speed) of the Rossby wave and eddies. Validation for the identification of the Rossby wave also has been completed with the Argo temperature and salinity data. The prime focus covers: propagation speed comparison between the Rossby wave and the eddies, propagation characteristics in different regions. Overlaying the signals of the Rossby wave with the signatures of the eddies indicates that the Rossby wave and the eddies propagates together (westward only) in the mid-latitude, but differences appear with increasing of latitude, especially in some areas affected by ocean current, for instance, the West Wind Drift(WWD) and the North Atlantic Drift(NAD). Actually we have found that the currents led the eddies, and the Rossby wave might play an accelerative or moderative role in the eddies propagation, as a result of the velocities of the eddies and the currents were matched well, but comparison between the Rossby wave and the eddies revealed disparity. The findings are useful for understanding the relationship between the Rossby wave and mesoscale eddies.

This preprint has been withdrawn.

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Yunfan Zhang, Fenglin Tian, and Ge Chen

Interactive discussion

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Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Interactive discussion

Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Yunfan Zhang, Fenglin Tian, and Ge Chen
Yunfan Zhang, Fenglin Tian, and Ge Chen


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Short summary
The oceanic rossby wave and mesoscale eddies are widely existed in oceans worldwide. They are closely related to our life as they would more or less affect local or global climate. We present this study to investigate the relationship between the waves and the eddies by using multiple datasets and low-pass filtering method. We have found that the Rossby wave may play an accelerative or moderative role in the eddy propagation, and the results will help us to further understand them.