17 Sep 2012
 | 17 Sep 2012
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal OS but the revision was not accepted.

Fine-scale features on the sea surface in SAR satellite imagery – Part 1: Simultaneous in-situ measurements

A. Soloviev, C. Maingot, S. Matt, R. E. Dodge, S. Lehner, D. Velotto, S. Brusch, W. Perrie, and E. Hochberg

Abstract. This work is aimed at identifying the origin of fine-scale features on the sea surface in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery with the help of in-situ measurements as well as numerical models (presented in a companion paper). We are interested in natural and artificial features starting from the horizontal scale of the upper ocean mixed layer, around 30–50 m. These features are often associated with three-dimensional upper ocean dynamics. We have conducted a number of studies involving in-situ observations in the Straits of Florida during SAR satellite overpass. The data include examples of sharp frontal interfaces, wakes of surface ships, internal wave signatures, as well as slicks of artificial and natural origin. Atmospheric processes, such as squall lines and rain cells, produced prominent signatures on the sea surface. This data has allowed us to test an approach for distinguishing between natural and artificial features and atmospheric influences in SAR images that is based on a co-polarized phase difference filter.

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A. Soloviev, C. Maingot, S. Matt, R. E. Dodge, S. Lehner, D. Velotto, S. Brusch, W. Perrie, and E. Hochberg
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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A. Soloviev, C. Maingot, S. Matt, R. E. Dodge, S. Lehner, D. Velotto, S. Brusch, W. Perrie, and E. Hochberg
A. Soloviev, C. Maingot, S. Matt, R. E. Dodge, S. Lehner, D. Velotto, S. Brusch, W. Perrie, and E. Hochberg


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