20 Apr 2012
 | 20 Apr 2012
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

Operational evaluation of the Mediterranean Monitoring and Forecasting Centre products: implementation and results

M. Tonani, J. A. U. Nilsson, V. Lyubartsev, A. Grandi, A. Aydogdu, J. Azzopardi, G. Bolzon, A. Bruschi, A. Drago, T. Garau, J. Gatti, I. Gertman, R. Goldman, D. Hayes, G. Korres, P. Lorente, V. Malacic, A. Mantziafou, G. Nardone, A. Olita, E. Ozsoy, I. Pairaud, S. Pensieri, L. Perivoliotis, B. Petelin, M. Ravaioli, L. Renault, S. Sofianos, M. G. Sotillo, A. Teruzzi, and G. Zodiatis

Abstract. A web-based validation platform has been developed at the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) for the Near Real Time validation of the MyOcean-Mediterranean Monitoring and Forecasting Centre products (Med-MFC).

A network for the collection of the in-situ observations, the nested sub-basin forecasting systems model data (provided by the partners of the Mediterranean Operational Oceanography Network, MOON) and the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) satellite data has been developed and is updated every day with the new available data. The network collects temperature, salinity, currents and sea level data. The validation of the biogeochemical forecast products is done by use of ocean colour satellite data produced for the Mediterranean Sea.

All the data are organized in an ad hoc database interfaced with a dedicated software which allows interactive visualizations and statistics (CalVal SW). This tool allows to evaluate NRT products by comparison with independent observations for the first time.

The heterogeneous distribution and the scarcity of moored observations reflect with large areas uncovered with measurements. Nevertheless, the evaluation of the forecast at the locations of observations could be very useful to discover sub-regions where the model performances can be improved, thus yielding an important complement to the basin-mean statistics regularly calculated for the Mediterranean MFC products using semi-independent observations.

This preprint has been withdrawn.

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M. Tonani, J. A. U. Nilsson, V. Lyubartsev, A. Grandi, A. Aydogdu, J. Azzopardi, G. Bolzon, A. Bruschi, A. Drago, T. Garau, J. Gatti, I. Gertman, R. Goldman, D. Hayes, G. Korres, P. Lorente, V. Malacic, A. Mantziafou, G. Nardone, A. Olita, E. Ozsoy, I. Pairaud, S. Pensieri, L. Perivoliotis, B. Petelin, M. Ravaioli, L. Renault, S. Sofianos, M. G. Sotillo, A. Teruzzi, and G. Zodiatis

Interactive discussion

Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
Printer-friendly Version - Printer-friendly version Supplement - Supplement

Interactive discussion

Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
Printer-friendly Version - Printer-friendly version Supplement - Supplement
M. Tonani, J. A. U. Nilsson, V. Lyubartsev, A. Grandi, A. Aydogdu, J. Azzopardi, G. Bolzon, A. Bruschi, A. Drago, T. Garau, J. Gatti, I. Gertman, R. Goldman, D. Hayes, G. Korres, P. Lorente, V. Malacic, A. Mantziafou, G. Nardone, A. Olita, E. Ozsoy, I. Pairaud, S. Pensieri, L. Perivoliotis, B. Petelin, M. Ravaioli, L. Renault, S. Sofianos, M. G. Sotillo, A. Teruzzi, and G. Zodiatis
M. Tonani, J. A. U. Nilsson, V. Lyubartsev, A. Grandi, A. Aydogdu, J. Azzopardi, G. Bolzon, A. Bruschi, A. Drago, T. Garau, J. Gatti, I. Gertman, R. Goldman, D. Hayes, G. Korres, P. Lorente, V. Malacic, A. Mantziafou, G. Nardone, A. Olita, E. Ozsoy, I. Pairaud, S. Pensieri, L. Perivoliotis, B. Petelin, M. Ravaioli, L. Renault, S. Sofianos, M. G. Sotillo, A. Teruzzi, and G. Zodiatis


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